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Willy Wonka Audition Information

Audition Dates

April 22 & 23 at 6:30 pm

Callbacks April 24 at 6:30 pm 

Ages 8 to Adult

We look forward to some great auditions for Willy Wonka The Musical! We would like to hear you sing at your audition in order to ensure that we match the correct individual with each role. It would be helpful if you audition with the songs listed below. Adults may also choose to audition with another appropriate musical theatre, Disney, or traditional song. If you choose to do so, please bring a recording of the accompaniment with you to your audition. See the table below for specific songs to use. Click on the links to listen to and practice the piece(s) that you choose to sing. We may or may not listen to the entire song. The reason we are doing this is to ensure everyone has a chance to audition. In addition, we ask that you prepare ONE monologue. See options below if you do not have one. If you are nervous about memorization, you may bring the words to your monologue and song at auditions.

Please feel free to contact our Directors Ms. Barbie & Ms. Wendy at with any questions that you may have.

Songs to Choose

Recommended Audition Piece(s)

Pure Imagination

The Candy Man

Think Positive Reprise (Charlie)

-Oompa Loompas

Children 9 and up

Monologues to choose from:

PHINEOUS TROUT: (the reporter covering the Golden Ticket stories) This is Phineous Trout with a direct TV link to Frankfurt, Germany. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, people are buying over 50,000 Wonka bars every hour and the first Golden Ticket has been found! – Here’s the family now. Mrs. Droop, Mrs. Droop, may we have a word? Ladies and gentlemen, we are coming to you, live outside the gates of the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory where history is about to be made. We’ve been told Mr. Willy Wonka himself will soon emerge from behind these mysterious gates. It seems something is happening. Yes, yes! Here he comes now, the chocolate genius of the century. Mr. Willy Wonka!

CHARLIE BUCKET: (as he’s just about to leave Wonka’s factory for good…) Um, goodbye Mr. Wonka... (hesitates) Just a minute Mr. Wonka. I don’t deserve the lifetime supply of chocolate. I... I tasted the fizzy lifting drink and I broke the rules. And I’m very sorry. But thank you for the wonderful day and the most wonderful tour of your factory. I think it’s the most wonderful and incredible and exciting place in the whole wide world. Being here was better than Christmas. (PAUSE) What? I don’t understand. But, what about the other kids? (pause as if receiving info from Willy Wonka) You want me to run this entire factory? What about my mom and dad and Grandpa Joe? What? My whole entire family can live here? Well then….I’d love to – I’d positively love to!

WILLY WONKA: (Speaking to Mrs. Gloop, after Augustus has fallen in the chocolate) That pipe goes nowhere near the Marshmallow Room! It leads to the Strawberry Dipping Room, where he will be heated to a temperature of eighty-eight degrees Fahrenheit – or is that Celsius? I do mix the two up so often… sometimes with tragic consequences. (now speaking to the Oompa Loompas) In any case, someone will accompany Mrs. Gloop to the Strawberry Dipping Room, and when you get there take a long, sharp stick and start poking around the big chocolate-mixing barrel. But hurry! If you leave him too long he’s likely to be poured into the fudge boiler and that would be a tragedy!... Could damage the machinery… 2….(To Charlie, as he realizes how good Charlie is). This was a test of character, Charlie. I carefully selected rooms that would tempt each of our Golden Ticket winners. You, Charlie, did something quite remarkable. You gave in to temptation, you were smart enough not to get caught and yet – you admitted your guilt.

GRANDPA JOE: (Charlie’s kind grandpa, who once worked for Mr. Wonka; he is telling Charlie about the factory) No one goes in, Charlie, and no one comes out. Not since the tragic day that Willy Wonka locked it. All the other chocolate makers in the world were sending in spies-- dressed as workers!--to steal Mr. Wonka's secret recipes. Finally, Mr. Wonka shouted, "I shall be ruined! Close the factory!" And that's just what he did. He locked the gates and vanished completely. And then suddenly, about three years later, the most amazing thing happened. The factory started working again, full blast! And more delicious candies were coming out than ever before. But the gates stayed locked so that no one could steal them.

VIOLET: When I sleep I put the gum on my headboard, so in the morning all I have to do is pop it back in my mouth and start chewing again. It’s a little hard to get started, and one time I got it in my hair, but Ma cut it out and I went right on chewing it. It was a hairy moment. Anyways, I’m a gum chewer normally, but when I heard about Wonka’s contest, I laid off the gum and switched straight on to candy bars. That’s how I found my ticket! Now, of course, I’m right back on the gum. In fact, I’ve been working on this piece for over three months solid. I’ve beaten the record set by my best friend, Cornelia Prinzmetel. Hi, Cornelia, listen to this… (She chews loudly into the microphone) That’s the sound of you losing! …(SHE chews even more loudly adding, smacks and pops.) Chew on THAT, Princess Prinzmetel!

VERUCA SALT: (Veruca is speaking to Phineous, the reporter, who has just mispronounced her name on TV): My name is Veruca, you imbecile! VERUCA, VERUCA, VERUCA! I said Veruca, you moron. You pea brain! Don’t you know who I am? Don’t you know who my Daddy is? He will have you fired for mispronouncing my name, won’t you Daddy? He bought hundreds of thousands of Wonka Bars to make sure I would win. Daddy, this hideous reporter said my name wrong on live television, and now he’s being sarcastic! Can’t you get him fired? I want him fired. Fired! Do you hear me? Fired, fired, fired! Ugh, this is about me Daddy! They want to know about MY ticket and he can’t even get my name right!

MR (or MRS) SALT: My daughter Veruca here is a very special girl. Very special. And when she said she simply had to have one of them there Golden Tickets, see, we went nuts buying Wonka bars by the hundreds. I must have bought hundreds of thousands of Wonka bars. I had my factory girls stop shelling Brazil nuts and start shelling wrappers. And after days of shelling chocolate, one of my factory gals finally found the blasted Golden Ticket. I let her take the lucky piece of chocolate home to her 17 kids (pauses to hear the reporter’s question) Me? I’m in the nut business – peanuts, cashews, Brazils, macadamias. If it's nuts you want, I got ‘em! Roasted, raw, plain, or fancy, folks go nuts for our nuts. Call us at one eight hundred we’re nuts. Major credit cards accepted!

MIKE TEEVEE: (watching TV speaking to his mother) Shut your pie hole toots! Didn’t I tell you never to interrupt? And I’m not going to school….who needs school? Are you joking?! Or just crazy? I’ve got my screens and the net and the whole world in the palm of my hand I don’t got no time for school. Now, hush up….this is the best part! Crack, Smack, Whack! WOOOO! Did you see that guy wipe out? That was so totally awesome! (slight pause) Ma, I said Zip it! This next show is THE BOMB! Wait a minute….freeze frame…it’s my cell… (MIKE picks up his cell phone) Talk to me. Hold on, got another call. (MIKE holds up another phone to his ear) Talk to me. (to Phineas Trout the reporter) Dude, can’t you see I’m busy running an empire here? (speaking into one phone) Gotta go --- (speaking into the other phone) Catch ya later, dude… (to Phineous) OK, now what’d ya want?

Character Breakdown

Willy Wonka - The mysterious title character. He is charming, enigmatic, charismatic, and slightly sinister. A chocolatier who guides children and their parents on a tour of his factory. He is looking for someone new to take over his candy empire. Optional Doubling as CANDY MAN and/or PHINEOUS TROUT. Gender: Male, Age: 20 to 50, Vocal range top: F4, Vocal range bottom: G2

Candy Man - A local candy vendor. He leads the children in praising the joys of candy. Optional Doubling as WILLY WONKA and/or PHINEOUS TROUT. Gender: Male, Age: 17 to 50, Vocal range top: D4, Vocal range bottom: A2

Phineous Trout - A reporter covering the Golden Ticket story. Optional Doubling as WILLY WONKA and/or CANDY MAN. Gender: Male, Age: 17 to 50, Vocal range top: F4, Vocal range bottom: B2

Charlie Bucket - Our story's shy, earnest protagonist. From a modest home life, he is humble and noncompetitive while maintaining a sense of wonder about the world. One of the Golden Ticket winners whose honesty and general good nature win Wonka over. Gender: Adolescent Male or Female, Age: 9 to 12, Vocal range top: G4, Vocal range bottom: G2

Mrs. Bucket - Charlie Bucket's nurturing mother. She is always trying to maintain an energetic positivity. Gender: Female, Age: 30 to 45, Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: Bb3

Mr. Bucket - Charlie Bucket's nurturing father. He is always trying to maintain an energetic positivity. 

Gender: Male, Age: 30 to 45, Vocal range top: F4, Vocal range bottom: B2

Grandpa Joe - A caring, patient, and kindhearted man. Loving Grandfather to Charlie Bucket. He accompanies Charlie to Willy Wonka's factory and it gives him a new burst of youthful vigor.

Gender: Male, Age: 60 to 80, Vocal range top: F4, Vocal range bottom: Bb2

Augustus Gloop - A gluttonous German boy. Cheerful and jolly, he defines himself by his ability to eat mass quantities of food. One of the Golden Ticket winners whose constant overeating is enabled and encouraged by Mrs. Gloop. Gender: Male, Age: 10 to 17, Vocal range top: G4, Vocal range bottom: B2

Mrs. Gloop - A plump, jolly German woman with a bustling personality. Augustus Gloop's overindulgent mother. Gender: Female, Age: 35 to 45, Vocal range top: E4, Vocal range bottom: B3

Veruca Salt - A wealthy, spoiled Brit. She is accustomed to having her father indulge her every whim and desire. One of the Golden Ticket winners, she is subjected to the squirrels' nut chute.

Gender: Female, Age: 10 to 17, Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: G3

Mr. Salt - A wealthy British upperclassman who regularly flaunts his wealth and privilege. Father to Veruca Salt who shamelessly spoils his daughter. Gender: Male, Age: 40 to 60, Vocal range top: E4, Vocal range bottom: D3

Mike Teavee -  An obnoxious, hyperactive child addicted to television, video games, and the internet. One of the Golden Ticket winners and Ms. Teavee's son. Gender: Male, Age: 10 to 17, Vocal range top: G4, Vocal range bottom: G2

Ms. Teavee - An old-fashioned housewife. She is Mike Teavee's permissive and clueless mother.

Gender: Female, Age: 35 to 50, Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: B3

Violet Beauregarde - A brassy girl with a competitive streak. Violet seizes every opportunity to show off. She turns into a giant blueberry. Gender: Female, Age: 10 to 17, Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: G3

Mrs. Beauregarde - Violet's enthusiastic "helicopter parent" who focuses all her attention on her daughter. She indulges Violet's worst competitive impulses. Gender: Female, Age: 35 to 45, Vocal range top: E5, Vocal range bottom: D4

Ensemble - All will be played by children ages 9-12

Kids; Cooks; Squirrels; Oompa-Loompas

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